Here are the all stories from this blog categorized by date.
August 2012
- Mom's last laugh
- Important things to remember
- Pick up in the rain
- How much are you worth?
- The obstacle in our path
- Learn to listen
- The brick
- Be patient
- Attitude is everything
- Angels
- How the poor live
- Juggle Balls
- Learn and Earn
- the baby without ears
- Texting while driving
- Things are not always as they appear
- Drive safely and carefully
- The Sensitive Man
- How to explain God (written by an 8 year old)
- Nobody Ever Invited John to Come
- Mother and son
- Love
- Honesty
- The Frog and the Ox
- The Hares and the Frogs
- The Mountains in Labour
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Fox and the Crow
- Prison help
- A glass of milk--paid in full
- Love in action
- My mom only had one eye
- Great marriage story
- The great failures...
- Coppying others
- Bird in dug
- Practical knowledge
- King Solomon and the baby
- Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?
- The secret of happiness
- The Japanese master
- Chopsticks
- The carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean
- Everyone is important
- The eagle
- Helping hands
- Believe what you feel
- Alexander and Diogenes
- Peace of mind
- The strongest dad in the world
- Do Plants Think?
- One Random Act of Kindness Turned $93 Into $100,00...
- Power of thought
- This is good
- How Much Do You Make An Hour?
- A boy giving his blood
- Another touching story on poor service
- I can make it happen
- Face life problems positively
- Give everthing to relationship
- The butterfly
- To be individual
- Never Quit Poem
- Love you forever
- Letting go
- The Cookie Thief
- You are valuable
- Keep throwing the starfish
- True friend
- Parents' love
- A glass of water
- Truly Inspiring Real Life Story
- Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries
- Just a few successful stories
- George Vlagos of Oak Street Bootmakers
- Liane Weintraub and Shannan Swanson of Tasty Brand...
- Chris Zane of Zane’s Cycles
- Helpless Love
- I've learned...
- Advice for a happy life
- The other side
- The black dot
- Keep your dream
- Learn from your mistakes
- Forget me not: Two powerful stories of remembrance...
- Life and Work
July 2012
- Determination and Persistence
- The last cab ride
- Mouse Trap
- The house with the golden windows
- The Elephant Rope
- Appreciate Life’s Annoying Little Things
- Hospital Window
- Don't Hope...Decide
- How are you building your life?
- A story of an ant
- A Story of the Blind Girl
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