All stories

Here are the all stories from this blog categorized by date. 

August 2012
  1. Mom's last laugh
  2. Important things to remember
  3. Pick up in the rain
  4. How much are you worth?
  5. The obstacle in our path
  6. Learn to listen
  7. The brick
  8. Be patient
  9. Attitude is everything
  10. Angels
  11. How the poor live
  12. Juggle Balls
  13. Learn and Earn
  14. the baby without ears
  15. Texting while driving
  16. Things are not always as they appear
  17. Drive safely and carefully
  18. The Sensitive Man
  19. How to explain God (written by an 8 year old)
  20. Nobody Ever Invited John to Come
  21. Mother and son
  22. Love
  23. Honesty
  24. The Frog and the Ox
  25. The Hares and the Frogs
  26. The Mountains in Labour
  27. The Lion and the Mouse
  28. The Fox and the Crow
  29. Prison help
  30. A glass of milk--paid in full
  31. Love in action
  32. My mom only had one eye
  33. Great marriage story
  34. The great failures...
  35. Coppying others
  36. Bird in dug
  37. Practical knowledge
  38. King Solomon and the baby
  39. Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?
  40. The secret of happiness
  41. The Japanese master
  42. Chopsticks
  43. The carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean
  44. Everyone is important
  45. The eagle
  46. Helping hands
  47. Believe what you feel
  48. Alexander and Diogenes
  49. Peace of mind
  50. The strongest dad in the world
  51. Do Plants Think?
  52. One Random Act of Kindness Turned $93 Into $100,00...
  53. Power of thought
  54. This is good
  55. How Much Do You Make An Hour?
  56. A boy giving his blood
  57. Another touching story on poor service
  58. I can make it happen
  59. Face life problems positively
  60. Give everthing to relationship
  61. The butterfly
  62. To be individual
  63. Never Quit Poem
  64. Love you forever
  65. Letting go
  66. The Cookie Thief
  67. You are valuable
  68. Keep throwing the starfish
  69. True friend
  70. Parents' love
  71. A glass of water
  72. Truly Inspiring Real Life Story
  73. Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries
  74. Just a few successful stories
  75. George Vlagos of Oak Street Bootmakers
  76. Liane Weintraub and Shannan Swanson of Tasty Brand...
  77. Chris Zane of Zane’s Cycles
  78. Helpless Love
  79. I've learned...
  80. Advice for a happy life
  81. The other side
  82. The black dot
  83. Keep your dream
  84. Learn from your mistakes
  85. Forget me not: Two powerful stories of remembrance...
  86. Life and Work

July 2012

  1. Determination and Persistence
  2. The last cab ride
  3. Mouse Trap
  4. The house with the golden windows
  5. The Elephant Rope
  6. Appreciate Life’s Annoying Little Things
  7. Hospital Window
  8. Don't Hope...Decide
  9. How are you building your life?
  10. A story of an ant
  11. A Story of the Blind Girl


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