When life gets hard, think about how birds live

Don't worry about tomorrow for it won't add another inch into your life (Bible Quote)

It is hope that we all should live for

Life without hope is living a life without vision and thus nothing is beautiful and meaningful

It's not crazy to dream the impossible

Other than physical body, we humans are also composed of imagination and dreams which allow us to be super creative beings on earth. So, keep dreaming!

No human beings can art this beyond compared creature

If you agree that his little butterfly is beautiful regardless of its many secret insanity, you worth much more than this little creature, and thus never choose the way of suicidal

The sky is big enough for every one, and you are no exception

Never one minute allow a negative thought to have you. You are worthy enough to share this world

Lincoln's great spirit

There's a place in Washington where we can see a moving display of genuine presidential piety: the National Cathedral. If you visit the cathedral you will find a statue of Abraham Lincoln poised on his knees.
Many Americans don't realize that Lincoln actually instituted many forms of public recognition of God that we take for granted today. During his presidency, he declared more days of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving than any president before or since. And, few realize that our traditional Thanksgiving celebration became a national holiday only after Lincoln's proclamation in 1863.

Yet, despite this pious pedigree, Lincoln was not actually committed to orthodox Christianity until close to the end of his life. As a young man, Lincoln openly questioned the truth of Scripture.
Then, in 1862, Lincoln's life took a dramatic turn. The war was not going well for the Union, and Lincoln was being savaged in both the Yankee and Confederate press. Personal tragedy struck as well, when his beloved son Willie died suddenly. Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd, turned to spiritism and seances - but her husband instead sought his solace in the Bible. Confronted with the loss of little Willie and yet another devastating Union defeat at the second Battle of Manassas, a humbled Lincoln finally embraced Christ.
"My own wisdom seemed insufficient," he wrote to a friend. I was "driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I have nowhere else to go."

Lincoln then became a regular church attendee. He became so impressed with the importance of worship that he even refused to permit some churches to be converted into badly needed hospitals. Facing disunion and slavery, Lincoln saw no easy answers. He became convinced that blame for the war lay on both sides. Faced with the realities of the miserable conflict, he resigned himself to God's providence.

It was the horrors of war that forced him to seek refuge in God; in Him he found true peace. Lincoln's words speak for themselves. He told a friend, "When everyone seemed panic-stricken, I got down on my knees before Almighty God and prayed. Soon a sweet comfort crept into my soul."

Today many parents are looking desperately for examples of moral leadership - for people they can hold up as examples for their children to imitate. We need to teach our kids to look beyond the outward signs of piety and look for authentic signs of a Christian commitment.

One great example comes from one of our greatest presidents - the man who was converted to Christ in office - and sought answers to the most pressing dilemma of the day on his knees.
By Charles Colson

The Devoted Son

Jamadagni was a Great Rishi. He lived a pious life with his wife Renuka. One day Renuka and the rishi were making a shivalinga from clay.

Just as they were giving in the finishing touches, Renuka’s concentration was distracted by the sound of hooves. The shadow of the Kshatriya king who rode that way fell on the shivalinga.
Rishi Jamadagni who noticed the loss of concentration of his wife was enraged. He called his eldest son.

“Your mother must be killed now,” the rishi ordered. But Jamadagni’s son refused to kill her.
The rishi then called his second son. The second son wanted to know why he should kill an innocent woman who was also his mother.

Jamadagni then called his third son. “Cut off your mother’s head now,” he ordered. The third son was Parashurama. Without a word Parashurama beheaded his mother. Jamadagni was pleased. ‘Ask for two boons and it shall be yours. I am pleased with you,” said the rishi to Parashurama.
“Father”, said Parashurama, “bring mother back to life. I know not why you wanted her beheaded but let her not remember what caused her death.”

Jamadagni granted his son’s wishes. Renuka was brought back to life.
In later years Parashurama came to be known for both his valour and anger. He lost out in a battle of strength to Rama. He handed over his weapons to Rama and renounced the world.

The foolish lion and the clever rabbit

Once upon a time there lived a ferocious lion in the forest. It was a greedy lion and started killing animals in the forest indiscriminately. Seeing this, the animals gathered and decided to approach the lion with the offer of one animal of each species volunteering itself to be eaten by the lion everyday.

Story of The Brahmin and the crooks

Mitra Sarma was a Brahmin living in a small village. He used to daily worship Fire. It was the month of Magha (February). The sky was full of clouds and it had already started raining. Sarma left for a neighbouring village at that time to seek the gift of a sacrificial lamb from some rich man. He called on a well-to-do man in the village and requested him to make him a gift of a healthy lamb for sacrifice to Gods. The wealthy man gave him one of the well-fed lambs he had.

Carrying the lamb on his shoulders, the Brahmin began his homeward journey. Three crooks, very hungry and emaciated, crossed his path and seeing the healthy lamb on the Brahmin’s shoulders thought, “Ah, God has sent us good food. Let us trick the Brahmin into parting with it and free us from hunger and cold.” At once, they began to act.
One of them changed into a disguise, and overtaking the Brahmin by another route, stopped him and said, “O what a fool you are? Such a great worshipper of Fire, why are you carrying this dog on your shoulders? This will bring you ridicule. Don’t you know that it is a sin to touch a dog, or a rooster, or a donkey?”
The Brahmin lost his temper and said, “You stupid fellow, are you blind? Why do you call a lamb a dog?”
The first crook replied, “Don’t be angry, if you think he is not a dog, please carry on. I have no objection.”
The Brahmin hardly walked a little distance when the second crook greeted him and said,
“O respected sir, it is highly regrettable that you are carrying a dead calf on your shoulders, however dear it is to you. The man who touches dead animals or birds has to undergo purification rites.”
The Brahmin challenged him, “Are you too blind? This is a live sacrificial lamb and you say he is a dead calf.”
The second crook said, “All right, sir. Please excuse me. I am an ignorant fool. Do as it pleases you.”
Now it was the turn of the third crook to cross the Brahmin’s path.
Turning to the Brahmin, the crook said, “Sir, it is highly improper. You are carrying a donkey on your shoulders. This is not done. The elders have said he who touches a donkey, knowingly or otherwise, has to take a bath fully dressed. So, please leave him before anybody notices it.”
Thinking that he was really carrying a donkey, the poor Brahmin threw the lamb to the ground and went home.
Moral of the Story :
The learned have said that men with great common sense and a little bit of cunning can subdue stronger enemies like the tricksters who cheated the gullible Brahmin of his lamb

Don't judge a book by its cover

Some people are just doomed to be failures. That's the way some adults look at troubled kids. Maybe you've heard the saying, "A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high." I'm sure that T. J. Ware was made to feel this way almost every day in school.

Tips for enjoying every moment of your life

  1. Forgive yourself and others
    Life is too short to hold on to regrets, grudges, miscommunications, or disappointments. Free yourself by forgiving and letting go of any negative energy you're holding on to about yourself or others. The process of forgiving yourself and others will result in your feeling light and free.


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